Friday, December 9, 2011

Bella boo is Feeling Blue :(

This definately isn't how I imagined my weekend to start with my girls, while Matt hunted. I thought that we'd make some cutout cookies, watch Christmas movies, drink hot cocoa and have a sleepover in the livingroom, but other than trying to watch Christmas movies none of this happened.

Last night and this morning Matt and I have been trying to keep Bella comfortable, until the doctors office opened at 7am. Luckily, they got her in at 8am. Turns out my baby has a bad cold and double ear infections. No wonder she wasn't her usual happy self. I'm used to this,

or this,

and very often this lol,

BUT!.... Not this, :(

Nor this ,
After picking up her antibiotic, she just sat on the couch where I placed her and gave me this heartbreaking stare. If you know my Bella, then you know it's very odd to find her sitting anywhere. She's always doing something. If only I could take her place. :( Please pray that she feels better asap.